Artículos de revistas
Foliage density of branches and distribution of plant-dwelling spiders
Registration in:
Biotropica. Blackwell Publishing, v. 37, n. 3, n. 416, n. 420, 2005.
de Souza, AUT
Martins, RP
We compared the abundance of foliage-living spiders among seven widespread plant species comprising a gradient of levels of structural complexity in a tropical savannah-like region in southeastern Brazil. Spider abundance among plant species was positively related to the foliage density of their branches. A field experiment using artificial branches was carried out to isolate foliage density effects on spider abundance, thus controlling both biomass and texture effects. Artificial branches were attached to branches of three plant species with similar foliage density, Baccharis dracunculifolia, Diplusodon virgatus, and Microlicia fasciculata. Two treatments were set up: artificial branches with higher foliage density attracted more spiders than those with lower foliage density. The guild structure of hunting spiders was compared among vegetative branches of three plant species with different levels of foliage density: B. dracunculifolia, D. virgatus, and Bidens gardneri. Stalker, and ambusher spiders were more abundant on branches of B. dracunculifolia, which had the highest foliage density. Foliage-runners constituted the dominant guild on D. virgatus and B. gardneri, which have lower foliage density branches. Our results suggest that branch architecture is the most important factor determining the abundance of plant-dwelling spiders in the study area independently of branch biomass, leaf surface area or texture. 37 3 416 420