Artículos de revistas
An Outage Analysis of Multibranch Diversity Receivers with Cochannel Interference in alpha-mu, kappa-mu, and eta-mu Fading Scenarios
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Wireless Personal Communications. Springer, v. 64, n. 1, n. 3, n. 19, 2012.
Moraes, AC
da Costa, DB
Yacoub, MD
Wireless communications systems in a frequency reuse environment are subject to cochannel interference. In order to improve the system performance, diversity techniques are deployed. Among the practical diversity schemes used, Equal-Gain Combining (EGC) appears as a reasonably simple and effective one. Unfortunately, the exact analysis of the outage probability of EGC receivers is rather intricate for it involves the evaluation of multifold nested integrals. It becomes mathematically intractable with the increase of the number of diversity branches and/or interferers. For example, for N-B diversity branches and N-I arbitrary independent cochannel interferers, the exact formulation using the convolutional approach requires 2 + N-B + (N-B x N-I) nested integrals, which, very quickly, and for any practical system, turns out to be mathematically intractable. In this paper, we propose accurate approximate formulations for this problem, whose results are practically indistinguishable from the exact solution. In our model, the system is composed by N-B branches and N-I interferers so that the desired signals are coherently summed, whereas the interfering signals are incoherently summed at the EGC receiver. Three sets of fading scenarios, namely alpha-mu, kappa-mu, and kappa-mu, are investigated. The proposed approach is indeed flexible and accommodates a variety of mixed fading scenarios for desired and interfering signals. 64 1 3 19 Ceara Council of Scientific and Technological Development [BP1-0031-00090.01.00/10] Ceara Council of Scientific and Technological Development [BP1-0031-00090.01.00/10]