Artículos de revistas
Study on the pomeron structure function
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Physical Review D. American Physical Soc, v. 57, n. 1, n. 180, n. 189, 1998.
Covolan, RM
Soares, MS
A study about the Pomeron structure function based on diffractive deep inelastic scattering data measured at the DESY HERA experiments is performed. In this study it is assumed that the diffractive structure function is given by the product of the Pomeron flux factor and the Pomeron structure function. In order to obtain the Pomeron structure function, two different forms of the Pomeron flux factor are employed, one that is usually obtained within the Regge pole phenomenology and another which comes from the renormalization of the standard Regge flux factor. It is shown that these two schemes of analysis lead to very different conclusions about the Pomeron constitution in terms of quarks and gluons. [S0556-2821(98)04001-6]. 57 1 180 189