Actas de congresos
Crystal Structure And Low-temperature Physical Properties Of R 3m4sn13 (r = Ce, La; M = Ir, Co) Intermetallics
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Physica B: Condensed Matter. , v. 359-361, n. SPEC. ISS., p. 251 - 253, 2005.
Israel C.
Bittar E.M.
Aguero O.E.
Urbano R.R.
Rettori C.
Torriani I.
Pagliuso P.G.
Moreno N.O.
Thompson J.D.
Hundley M.F.
Sarrao J.L.
Borges H.A.
We have synthesized single crystalline samples of R3M4Sn13 (R=Ce, La; M=Ir, Co) using a Sn-flux method. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity indicate heavy-fermion behavior for the Ce-based compounds. The crystal structure of these intermetallic compounds has been determined by Rietveld refinement from X-ray powder diffraction data. They crystallize in a Yb3M4Sn13 type structure (Pm-3n), which has 40 atoms per unit cell. The low-temperature physical properties of these intermetallic compounds are reported. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 359-361 SPEC. ISS. 251 253 Remeika, J.P., (1980) Solid State Commun., 34, p. 923 Remeika, J.P., (1982) Solid State Commun., 42, p. 97 Sato, H., (1993) Physica, 186-188, p. 630 Hundley, M.F., (2002) Phys. Rev. B, 65, p. 024401 Skolozdra, R.V., (1997) Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earth, 24, p. 399