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Fault Injection Approach Based On Architectural Dependencies
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3540289682; 9783540289685
Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 3549 LNCS, n. , p. 300 - 321, 2005.
De Oliveira Moraes R.L.
Martins E.
In a previous paper we described a fault injection strategy that applies risk-based analysis to select the system's riskiest components for testing. Among other criteria, this analysis considers the number of upstream and downstream dependencies of a component in a system. In order to obtain this number, we propose the use of architectural-level dependency analysis. One advantage of an analysis at architectural level is that systems may often contain COTS components from which no source code is available. The approach is illustrated with a case study, and the preliminary experimental results are also discussed. © 2005 Springer-Verlag. 3549 LNCS
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