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Differential Effects Of Uncharged Aminoamide Local Anesthetics On Phospholipid Bilayers, As Monitored By 1h-nmr Measurements
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Biophysical Chemistry. , v. 115, n. 1, p. 11 - 18, 2005.
Fraceto L.F.
Spisni A.
Schreier S.
De Paula E.
We have collected evidences of a "transient site" for the local anesthetics (LA) lidocaine, etidocaine, bupivacaine and mepivacaine in sonicated egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) vesicles. The effects of the uncharged anesthetic species at a fixed LA/EPC ratio inside the bilayer were measured by chemical shifts (C.S.) and longitudinal relaxation times (T1) of the lipid hydrogens. Two sort of changes were detected: (I) decrease, indicating specific orientation of the LA aromatic ring (measured as up-field C.S. changes by the short-range ring-current effect) and less rotational freedom (smaller T 1 values) for EPC hydrogens such as the two glycerol-CH2 and the choline-CH2 bound to the PO4- group, probably due to the nearby presence of the LA; (II) increase, indicating the aromatic ring is now perpendicular to the orientation observed before (causing down-field changes in C.S.) and larger T1 values for all the choline and glycerol hydrogens, as a result of LA insertion behind these well-organized bilayer regions. The less hydrophobic, linear and nonlinear (lidocaine and mepivacaine, respectively) aminoamide analogs provide similar effects-described in I; their hydrophobic counterparts (etidocaine and bupivacaine) also produced comparable effects (depicted in II). 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