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Body Relationships In An Urban Adventure Setting
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Leisure Studies. , v. 24, n. 3, p. 223 - 238, 2005.
Marinho A.
Bruhns H.T.
This article discusses the relationships established among bodies as revealed by a specific sports practice - sports climbing. The reflections presented here are part of a broader research project, whose starting point is the Sports Climbing Group, Grupo de Escalada Esportiva (GEEU), of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil. A socio-cultural standpoint is taken on the findings of an investigation into the area of leisure studies. In seeking to understand the interrelations between body, leisure and adventure, our focus on a sports climbing wall enabled us to reflect on the broader relationships established in contemporary society, which possess not only a character of reproduction and conservation, but also and equally one of resistance to and contestation of the predominant values. In this process of understanding, we see the climbing bodies involved in a constant dialectic. On the one hand, one sees a commercialization of the 'spirit of pleasure' or its use for the purposes of reward. On the other hand, these same bodies translate a pleasure expressed by an irrepressible desire to live by learning through activity, based on experimentation through everyday adventures fraught with calculated risks, and in which a certain sensitization is manifested, revealing knowledge of the environment as decoded through corporeal information. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd. 24 3 223 238 Brandão, C.R., (1988) Pesquisa Participante, , (São Paulo, Brazil: Brasiliense) Bruhns, H.T., Visitando a natureza, experimentando intensidades (1998) Turismo E Meio Ambiente, , F. P. 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