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Bacillary Angiomatosis: Literature Review And Iconographic Documentation [angiomatose Bacilar: Revisão Da Literatura E Documentaçã O Iconográfica]
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Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia. , v. 78, n. 5, p. 601 - 609, 2003.
Neves Ferreira Velho P.E.
Macedo de Souza E.
Cintra M.L.
Mariotto A.
Machado de Moraes A.M.
Bacillary angiomatosis is one of the human bartoneloses. It is a systemic disease usually affecting the skin. Its angioproliferative lesions are caused by B. henselae and by B. quintana. Such lesions are more frequent in immunodeficient hosts. Dermatologists must be well aware of this disease because it is potentially fatal, though it is treatable with antibiotic therapy. To establish a nosologic diagnosis, dermatologists should refer patients to a pathologist. In so doing, they will facilitate histologic differentiation especially from pyogenic granuloma and Kaposi's sarcoma. 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