dc.creatorCheung N.
dc.creatorPinto M.A.
dc.creatorLerardi M.C.F.
dc.creatorGarcia A.
dc.identifierMaterials Science Forum. , v. 423-425, n. , p. 707 - 712, 2003.
dc.descriptionThe aim of this work is to develop a mathematical model to predict the depth of laser treated zone in the LTH process. The Fourier equation of heat conduction was solved by using the Finite Difference Method in cylindrical coordinates in order to study the temperature distribution produced in a workpiece and hence to obtain the depth to which hardening occurs. The theoretical simulations were compared with results produced experimentally by a CO2 laser operating in continuous wave, showing good agreement.
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dc.relationMaterials Science Forum
dc.titleDevelopment And Experimental Validation Of A Numerical Thermal Model For The Evaluation Of The Depth Of Laser Treated Zone In The Laser Transformation Hardening Process
dc.typeActas de congresos

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