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Biological Traits Of Frugivorous Butterflies In A Fragmented And A Continuous Landscape In The South Brazilian Atlantic Forest
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Journal Of The Lepidopterists' Society. , v. 59, n. 2, p. 96 - 106, 2005.
Uehara-Prado M.
Brown Jr. K.S.
Freitas A.V.L.
We test whether five biological traits of frugivorous butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest differ between a continuous forest and an adjoining fragmented landscape. Possible fragmentation effects were detected in sex ratio and age structure, but we found no evidence that recapture rates, wing size, or damage in frugivorous butterflies were related to forest fragmentation. Among the possible explanations for the observed patterns, we suggest that 1) the landscape is sufficiently permeable and suitable for maintaining most general biological patterns in butterflies, 2) non-effects might be statistical artifacts, 3) the traits examined are usually not affected by this level of fragmentation, or 4) the most abundant frugivorous butterflies demonstrate some resistance to habitat fragmentation. 59 2 96 106 Bierregaard Jr., R.O., Laurance, W.F., Sites, J.W., Lynam, A.J., Didham, R.K., Andersen, M., Gascon, C., Moritz, C., Key priorities for the study of fragmented tropical ecosystems (1997) Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities, pp. 515-525. , Laurance, W. F. & R. O. 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