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Orb-web Spiders (araneae: Araneomorphae; Orbiculariae) Captured By Hunting-wasps (hymenoptera: Sphecidae) In An Area Of Atlantic Forest In South-eastern Brazil
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Journal Of Natural History. , v. 39, n. 31, p. 2913 - 2933, 2005.
Gonzaga M.O.
Vasconcellos-Neto J.
Members of two hunting-wasp families, Pompilidae and Sphecidae, are among the major predators of orb-web spiders. In this study, we collected paralysed spiders from natural nests and trap-nests provisioned by sphecids in an area of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and compared these data with the composition of species collected by visual searching during one year. Prey preferences were analysed based on the relative abundance of spider species, their size and web characteristics. We also compiled a list of orb-weavers captured by four sphecid genera reported in 40 other studies. A large number of prey was obtained from natural nests of Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) albonigrum in Parque Estadual Intervales, especially species of Eustala, Parawixia, and Araneus (Araneidae). Other prey, stored in trap-nests by T. lactitarse and unidentified hunting-wasp species, included Nephila (Tetragnathidae), Parawixia, Ocrepeira, Mecynogea, Acacesia (Araneidae), and other spider species that were less abundant. All the species that were heavily preyed upon had a relatively lower abundance in our samples of prey availability. The range of body sizes of spiders captured by Trypoxylon in our study area include the size of some abundant orb-weavers always absent in their nests. These results indicate that factors other than abundance in the field and the spider's size influence prey selection or susceptibility to attack. © 2005 Taylor & Francis. 39 31 2913 2933 Alves-Costa, C.P., Gonzaga, M.O., Prey capture and spatial distribution of Philoponella vittata (Araneae Uloboridae) in host webs (2001) Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 13, pp. 239-246 Asis, J.D., Tormos, J., Gayubo, S.F., Biological observations on Trypoxylon attenuatum and description of its mature larva and its natural enemy Trichrysis cyanea (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Chrysididae) (1994) Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 67, pp. 199-207 Backhaus, W., Color opponent coding in the visual system of the honeybee (1991) Vision Research, 31, pp. 1381-1397 Barber, M.C., Matthews, R.W., Utilization of trap nests by the pipe-organ mud-dauber, Trypargilum politum (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) (1979) Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 72, pp. 260-262 Beaver, D.L., Baldwin, P.H., Ecological overlap and problem of competition and sympatry in the western and Hammond's flycatchers (1975) Condor, 77, pp. 1-13 Berman, J.D., Levi, H.W., The orb weaver genus Neoscona in North America (Araneae: Araneidae) (1971) Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 141, pp. 465-500 Blackledge, T.A., Signal conflict in spider webs driven by predators and prey (1998) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 265, pp. 1991-1996 Blackledge, T.A., Coddington, J.A., Gillespie, R.G., Are three-dimensional spider webs defensive adaptations? 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