| Artículos de revistas
The Social Origin Of The Deputies Of The State Of Paraná, Brazil (1995-2006): Some Findings And Some Issues Of Research [origem Social Dos Parlamentares Paranaenses (1995-2006): Alguns Achados E Algumas Questões De Pesquisa]
dc.creator | Perissinoto R. | |
dc.creator | Costa L.D. | |
dc.creator | Tribess C. | | | 2009 | | | 2015-06-26T13:38:11Z | | | 2015-11-26T15:39:44Z | | | 2015-06-26T13:38:11Z | | | 2015-11-26T15:39:44Z | | | 2018-03-28T22:48:13Z | | | 2018-03-28T22:48:13Z | |
dc.identifier | ||
dc.identifier | Sociologias. , v. , n. 22, p. 280 - 313, 2009. | |
dc.identifier | 15174522 | |
dc.identifier | 10.1590/S1517-45222009000200011 | |
dc.identifier | | |
dc.identifier | | |
dc.identifier | | |
dc.identifier | 2-s2.0-70350138205 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.description | This article intends to draw a socioeconomic and educational profile of the deputies of the state of Paraná, from 1995 to 2006, following suggestions found in literature. Next, the paper considers the hypothesis that there is some relationship between the ideological position of the political parties (left-right) and the social origin of the surveyed deputies, within the context of Paraná. To conclude, the article provides suggestions for research, which, if they are implemented, would further advance the study of the regional and national political elites. © 2009 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS. | |
dc.description | ||
dc.description | 22 | |
dc.description | 280 | |
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dc.language | pt | |
dc.publisher | ||
dc.relation | Sociologias | |
dc.rights | aberto | |
dc.source | Scopus | |
dc.title | The Social Origin Of The Deputies Of The State Of Paraná, Brazil (1995-2006): Some Findings And Some Issues Of Research [origem Social Dos Parlamentares Paranaenses (1995-2006): Alguns Achados E Algumas Questões De Pesquisa] | |
dc.type | Artículos de revistas |