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Equilibrium Moisture Contents For Peeled Coffee Cherry Based On Static And Dynamic Methods [umidade De Equilíbrio De Café Cereja Descascado Baseada Em Métodos Estático E Dinâmico]
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Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agricola E Ambiental. , v. 13, n. 4, p. 470 - 476, 2009.
Henao J.D.
de Queiroz M.R.
Haj-Isa N.M.A.
The desorption isotherms for 50 and 73 oC and residual mucilage content of 16.1 and 52.7% in Arabica Coffee (Coffea arábica L.), cv Novo Mundo-Acaiá, were built. After this, eight mathematical models (BET, BET Linear, GAB, Halsey, Halsey Modified, Langmuir, Oswin e Peleg) for desorption for hygroscopic products were adjusted to the experimental data for obtaining the coefficients of the models. The choice of the best adjustment was based on the analysis of the following parameters: Determination coefficient (R2), relative average deviation, residual distribution tendency and standard deviation of the estimation. The desorption isotherms at 50 oC for cherry coffee with 16.1 and 52.7% residual mucilage contents could be represented by Peleg, Modified Halsey, GAB e Oswin models. At 73 °C the GAB model did not represent the experimental data, and the models of Peleg and Modified Halsey were the best ones. In order to estimate the dynamic equilibrium moisture content, the equation proposed by Fioreze showed to be highly satisfactory. 13 4 470 476 Aguerre, R.J., Gabitto, J.F., Chirife, J., Utilization of Fick's second law for the evaluation of diffusion coefficients in food process controlled by internal diffusion (1985) Journal of Food Technology, 20 (5), pp. 623-629 (1995) Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 2, p. 559. , AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 16.ed., Arlington: AOAC Aviara, N.A., Ajibola, O.O., Oni, S.A., Sorption equilibrium and thermodinamic characteristics of soja bean (2004) Biosystems Engineering, 87 (2), pp. 179-190 Barrozo, M.A.S., Oliveira, D.T., Sancineti, G.P., Rodrigues, M.V., A study of the desorption isotherms of lentils (2000) Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17, pp. 105-109 Biagi, J.D., (2006) Programa para cálculo de propriedades e processos psicrométricos, , Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP Daudin, J.D., Calcul des cinétiques de séchage par l'air chaud des produits biologuiques solides (1983) Sciences des Aliments, 3, pp. 1-36 Espindola, L.F., (2007) Determinação do teor de água ideal para o armazenamento de sementes de quatro espécies arbóreas ameaçadas da flora brasileira, p. 61. , Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro/Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical Dissertação Mestrado Figueira, G.M., Park, K.J., Brod, F.P.R., Honório, S.L., Evaluation of desortion isotherms, drying rates and inulin concentration of chicory roots(Chichorium intybus L) with and without enzymatic inactivation (2004) Journal of Food Engineering, 63 (3), pp. 273-280 Fioreze, R., (1986) The Intermittent Drying of Agricultural Crops with Particular Reference to Energy Requirements, p. 153. , Bedford: Cranfield Institute of Technology Silsoe College, Ph D. Thesis Fortes, M., Okos, M.R., Heat and mass transfer in hygroscopic capillary extruded products (1978) Miami. Proceedings, p. 1978. , Annual Meeting of the AICHE, 71, Miami: Aiche Francisco, F.G., Usberti, R., Toneli, J.T.C.L., Ajuste de isotermas de sorção de sementes de cultivares de feijoeiro (2007) Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 29 (1), pp. 35-39 Greenspan, L., Humidity fixed points of binary saturated aqueous solutions (1977) Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemistry, 81 A (1), pp. 89-96 Labuza, T.P., Kaanane, A., Chen, J.Y., Effect of temperature on the moisture sorption isotherms and water activity shift of two dehydrated foods (1985) Journal of Food Science, 50 (2), pp. 385-391 Lomauro, C.J., Bakshi, A.S., Labuza, T.P., Moisture transfer properties of dry and semimoist foods (1985) Journal of Food Science, 50 (2), pp. 397-400 Salwin, H., Slawson, V., Moisture transfer in combinations of dehydrated foods (1959) Food Technology, 13 (12), pp. 715-718 Samaniego-Esguerra, C.M., Boag, I.F., Robertson, G.L., Comparison of regression methods for fitting the GAB model to the moisture isotherms of some dried fruit and vegetables (1991) Journal of Food Engineering, 13 (2), pp. 115-133 Scott, W.J., Water relations of the food spoilage microorganisms (1957) Advances in Food Research, 7 (1), pp. 83-127 Toneli, J.T.C.L., (2006) Processo de separação física de inulina obtida a partir de raízes de chicória (Chichorium intibus L.), p. 177. , Campinas: UNICAMP, Tese Doutorado