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Variability In Active Aging As A Function Of Gender, Age And Health [variabilidade No Envelhecimento Ativo Segundo Gênero, Idade E Saúde]
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Psicologia Em Estudo. , v. 14, n. 3, p. 501 - 509, 2009.
Ribeiro P.C.C.
Neri A.L.
Cupertino A.P.F.B.
Yassuda M.S.
The present study investigated the relation among socio-demographic and health variables and participation in physical and occupational activities. The sample was formed by 155 aged individuals (60 and older) interviewed by the PENSA study in Juiz de Fora, MG. 72% of the sample was female with average age of 70.3 years (SD=8.2). Questionnaires based on self-report were used for data collection. Results indicated that men participated more frequently in physical activities than women, and women were more active in occupational activities, such as housework and work as volunteers. Higher frequency of participation in occupational activities was associated with higher education, higher income, and higher functional status. However, age was not a significant determinant of active lifestyle. 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