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Capturing Human Judgment To Simulate Objective Function
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Proceedings Of The 2002 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Cec 2002. Ieee Computer Society, v. 1, n. , p. 529 - 534, 2002.
Moroni A.
Von Zuben F.
Manzolli J.
Mammana A.
Evolutionary concepts are being used to support the implementation of higher level information processing devices than could be easily built by human design. We introduce an input device that proved to be appropriate for the study of human perception. The sequence of judgments can be captured to simulate an objective function. The repeated interaction between user and computer allows the user to search hyperspaces of possible solutions without being required to design equations by hand or even understand them. Two musical environments, Vox Populi, an evolutionary composition system, and InstrumentAll, a combined hardware and software musical interface, are briefly described. © 2002 IEEE. 1
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