Artículos de revistas
Artisanal Commercial Fisheries At The Southern Coast Of São Paulo State, Brazil: Ecological, Social And Economic Structures
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Interciencia. , v. 34, n. 8, p. 536 - 542, 2009.
Lopes P.F.M.
Francisco A.S.
Begossi A.
Fishery problems and their management alternatives go beyond the simple scope of fish stock analysis, encompassing the socio-economic and behavioral characteristics of fishermen. A case study is presented in which a fish-oriented community on the São Paulo coast, SE Brazil, is being displaced by southern shrimp trawlers. The two local fishing systems, gillnet and shrimp trawl fisheries, are described, focusing on their current socio-economic characteristics. Local fishermen (n= 51) have a high average monthly income compared to other Brazilian fishermen (USD442 ?265), explained by the fact that they usually have secondary jobs. The fisheries are not as diverse now as tropical fisheries were formerly, as they target only 17 species (Shannon H'= 2.31), two of which are shrimp species. Families are the main units of production for trawlers, but gillnetters work on their own. Shrimp-processing plants dominate the local economy. 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