Artículos de revistas
Brazilian Political Parties And The Internet: An Evaluation Of Political Party Websites In Brazil [os Partidos Políticos Brasileiros E A Internet Uma Avaliação Dos Websites Dos Partidos Políticosc Do Brasil]
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Revista De Sociologia E Politica. , v. 17, n. 34, p. 183 - 208, 2009.
Braga S.S.
Terra Franca A.S.
Nicolas M.A.
The purpose of this article is to present results of our research on Brazilian political party websites. Through a mapping of international literature on this topic, we present a proposal for evaluation of the websites of major Brazilian political parties and a classification of the degree to which they use the Internet. Putting together a table that summarizes content analysis of the websites of 27 Brazilian political parties that were registered in the Electoral High Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE)) during the first semester of 2008, before the beginning of the electoral period, we came to the conclusion that most Brazilian political parties do not use the internet enough, even when evaluated only through the strictly normative parameters of propitiating a more transparent and accountable " representative democracy". Furthermore, for the Brazilian case, a " normalization hypothesis" in which patterns of political competition that hold true in the " real world" would tend to reproduce themselves in the web cannot be proven. A third general conclusion we arrive at is that there is an association between political party characteristics and the way party websites are organized, although this association is not as close as that which the international literature has maintained. 17 34 183 208 Anstead, N., Chadwick, A., Parties, Election Campaingning and the Internet : Toward a Comparative Institutional Approach (2007) Handbook of Internet Politics, , Chadwick, A. & Howard, P. (eds.). New York : Routledge Blanchard, G., O uso da internet a serviço da comunicação do partido (2006) Líbero, 18, pp. 9-19. , 4617/4343, São Paulo, dez. Disponível em : Acesso em : 11.ago.2009 Budge, I., (1996) The New Challenge of Direct Democracy, , Oxford : Polity Conway, M., Dorner, D., An Evaluation of New Zealand Political Party Websites (2004) Information research, 9 (4). ,, July. Disponível em : Acesso em : 11.ago.2009 Costa, M.I.S., Ramirez, P.N., Espaços e fronteiras na Política brasileira : os sites/territórios dos partidos políticos (2006) Anais., , Congresso Anual Da Associação Brasi-Leira DE Pesquisadores de Comuni-Cação E Política, 1, Salvador. Salvador : Compolítica Dader, J.L., La ciberdemocracia posible : reflexión prospectiva a partir de la experiencia en España (2001) Cuadernos de información y comunicación, 6, p. 2001 Dader, J.L., Ciberdemocracia y ciberparlamento. El uso de correo electrónico entre los parlamentarios espanõles y ciudadanos comunes (1999-2001) (2003) Telos, p. 55. , Madrid Dader, J.L., Ayuso, I.D., Las webs de partidos españoles 2004-2005 : una investigación preliminar y de comparación europea, con una propuesta metodológica (2007) Anais., , Madrid. Congresso de Investigación en Comunicación Política, Madrid : Universidad Complutense de Madrid Dalton, R., Wattenberg, M., (2000) Parties Without Partisans : Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies, , Oxford : Oxford University Gibson, R., Ward, S., A Proposed Methodology for Studying the Function and Effectiveness of Party and Candidate Websites (2000) Social Science Computer Review, 18 (3), pp. 301-319. , Fall Gibson, R.K., Nixon, P.G., Ward, S.J., (2003) Political Parties and the Internet : Net Gain?, , London : Routledge Landtscherr, C., Krasnoboka, N., Neuner, C., (2000) La facilidad de utilización de los "web sites" de partidos políticos, , Estudio de algunos países de Europa del Este y Occidental (1999). Madrid : Universidad Complutense Margolis, M., Resnick, D., (2000) Politics as Usual : the Cyberspace "Revolution", , Cambridge : Cambridge University Marques, F.P.J.A., Sobre a comunicação político-partidária na Internet : um estudo dos informativos digitais do PT e do PSDB (2005) Revista Galáxia, 10, pp. 129-146. , /2016/1830, São Paulo, dez, Disponível em : Acesso em : 11.ago.2009 Newell, J., Italian Political Parties on the Web (2001) Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 6 (4), pp. 60-87 Norris, P., (2001) Digital Divide, Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide, , Cambridge : Cambridge University Norris, P., Preaching to the Converted? Pluralism, Participation and Party Websites (2003) Party Politics, 9 (1), pp. 21-45 Pedersen, K., Saglie, J., New Tecnology in Ageing Parties : Internet Use in Danish and Norwegian Parties (2005) Party Politics, 11 (3), pp. 359-377. , London Rommele, A., Political Parties, Party Comunnication and New Information and Comunication Technologies (2003) Party Politics, 9 (1), pp. 7-20. , London Strandberg, K., Online Electoral Competition in Different Settings. A Comparative Meta-analysis of the Research on Party Websites and Online Electoral Competition (2008) Party Politics, 2, pp. 223-244. , London Vaccari, C., Reseach Note : Italian Parties' Websites in the 2006 Elections (2008) European Journal of Comunication, 23 (1), pp. 69-77. , London