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Pronator Teres Muscle: Anatomical Variations And Predisposition For The Compression Of The Median Nerve
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Acta Scientiarum - Biological And Health Sciences. , v. 24, n. 2, p. 631 - 637, 2002.
Stabille S.R.
Duarte E.
De Carvalho V.C.
The median nerve can be compressed at the level of pronator teres muscle (PTM), resulting in the pronator teres syndrome. This work aim was to analyze the PTM and its relationship with the median nerve. In order to do so, we have dissected 100 human upper limbs from anatomy laboratories. In 72% of the cases, the median nerve passed between the umeral and ulnar heads of PTM. In 15% of the cases, the ulnar head was absent, with the median nerve passing behind the umeral head or through it. In 9%, a fibrous bundle represented the ulnar head. In 2%, the median nerve passed through the ulnar head and in 2% through the umeral head, even in the presence of the ulnar head. 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