Artículos de revistas
Ultraviolet Technology For Food Preservation [tecnologia De Ultravioleta Para Preservação De Alimentos]
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Boletim Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De Alimentos. , v. 27, n. 1, p. 59 - 70, 2009.
Guedes A.M.M.
Novello D.
Mendes G.M.P.
Cristianini M.
This literature review article had as objective to gather information about ultraviolet (UV) technology utilization on the food industry, its effects and potential application. Aspects as the origin, concept and applications of the technology on the equipment industry and running mechanisms were approached. The application of UV radiation on food decontamination is still little used due its low penetration, but it is known that it can be easily applied to solid and liquid food products. 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