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Translational Research Into Gut Microbiota: New Horizons In Obesity Treatment [pesquisa Translacional Em Microbiota Intestinal: Novos Horizontes No Tratamento Da Obesidade]
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Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia. , v. 53, n. 2, p. 139 - 144, 2009.
Tsukumo D.M.
Carvalho B.M.
Carvalho-Filho M.A.
Mario J.A.S.
Obesity is a pandemic which has been rapidly developing for three decades. When a population is submitted to the same nutritional stress, some individuals are less susceptible to diet-induced weight gain and hyperglycemia. This observation suggests that other mechanisms are involved which are not directly related to the human genome. The human gut contains an immense number of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiota. Evidence that gut microbiota composition can differ between obese and lean humans has led to the speculation that gut microbiota can participate in the pathophysiology of obesity. Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the link between gut flora and obesity. The first mechanism consists in the role of the gut microbiota to increase energy extraction from indigestible dietary polysaccharides. The second, consists in the role of gut flora to modulate plasma lipopolysaccharide levels which triggers chronic low-grade inflammation leading to obesity and diabetes. A third mechanism proposes that gut microbiota may induce regulation of host genes that modulate how energy is expended and stored. However, further studies are needed to clarify a number of issues related to the relationship between the gut microbiota and obesity. 53 2 139 144 Hill, J.O., Wyatt, H.R., Reed, G.W., Peters, J.C., Obesity and the environment: Where do we go from here? 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