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Gait Generation For A Quadruped Robot Using Kalman Filter As Optimizer
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2009 Ieee/rsj International Conference On Intelligent Robots And Systems, Iros 2009. , v. , n. , p. 1037 - 1042, 2009.
Souto R.F.
Borges G.A.
Romariz A.R.S.
In this paper, the kinematic model of a quadruped robot is derived. The model is equivalent to that of a parallel manipulator, in that each leg can be seen as a manipulator. However, the model is extended to consider that in one gait cycle some legs are in contact with the ground and others are not. In order to obtain the inverse kinematics model, this paper presents as contribution the use of the extended Kalman filter as optimizer in two different situations of the leg motion: unconstrained case, for the swing leg(s), and constrained case, for the leg(s) in contact with the ground. This method was evaluated for locomotion in plain and inclined surfaces. The results obtained with the kinematics model were satisfactory when implemented in a point-to-point trajectory in simulation, and also in an experiment with a four-legged platform with three degrees of freedom in each leg. © 2009 IEEE.
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