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P2p Over Manets: Application And Network Layers' Routing Assessment
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Mobile Peer-to-peer Computing For Next Generation Distributed Environments: Advancing Conceptual And Algorithmic Applications. Igi Global, v. , n. , p. 94 - 116, 2009.
Oliveira L.B.
Siqueira I.G.
Macedo D.F.
Nogueira J.M.
Loureiro A.A.F.
Both Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are decentralized self-organizing networks with a dynamic topology, used to route queries in a distributed environment. However, whilst MANETs are composed of resource-constrained devices susceptible to faults, P2P networks are popular for their resilience and fault-tolerance. This makes P2P networks the ideal data sharing system for MANETs. This chapter focuses on the integration of these networks. More specifically, the authors evaluate routing strategies of both the network layer and the application layer. Their results indicate that the performance of the protocols depends greatly on the environment and point out the need for new approaches. © 2009, IGI Global.
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