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Correspondence Principle Approach To Cavity Losses
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European Journal Of Physics. , v. 18, n. 3, p. 194 - 198, 1997.
Dutra S.M.
The well known master equation which describes the decay of a field in a single mode cavity is derived from a simple physical argument. This is achieved by applying the correspondence principle to obtain the master equation describing the decay of a field in an arbitrary quantum state from the knowledge of the decay mechanism for a classical field. 18 3 194 198 Purcell, E.M., Spontaneous emission probabilities at radio frequencies (1946) Phys. Rev., 69, p. 681 Haroche, S., Kleppner, D., Cavity quantum electrodynamics (1989) Phys. Today, 42, pp. 24-30 Hinds, E.A., Cavity quantum electrodynamics (1991) Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 28, pp. 237-289. , ed D Bates and B Bederson (New York: Academic) Haroche, S., Rydberg atoms and radiation in a resonant cavity (1984) New Trends in Atomic Physics (Proc. 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