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Key Ideas In Linguistics And The Philosophy Of Language. Edinburgh University Press, v. , n. , p. 170 - 173, 2009.
Rajagopalan K.
[No abstract available]
170 173 Belsey, C., (2002) Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction, , Oxford: Oxford University Press Bourdieu, P., (1977) Outline of a Theory of Practice, , London: Cambridge University Press Derrida, J., 'Structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences' (1966) Writing and Difference, , Jacques Derrida (2001), London: Routledge Sarup, M., (1993) An Introductory Guide to Poststructuralism and Postmodernism, , Second edition. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press Sturrock, J., (1979) Structuralism and Since, , London: Oxford University Press West, D., (1996) An Introduction to Continental Philosophy, , Cambridge: Polity Press Williams, J., (2006) Understanding Poststructuralism, , Canada: McGill- Queen's University Press Valentine, J., Finlayson, A., (2002) Poststructuralism and Politics: An Introduction, , Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press