dc.creatorDe Sousa C.A.F.
dc.creatorSodek L.
dc.identifierPhysiology And Molecular Biology Of Plants. , v. 8, n. 1, p. 97 - 104, 2002.
dc.descriptionSoybean (Glycine max L. cv. IAC17) plants grown in hydroponics with nitrate to the V5 stage presented increases in soluble sugars, amino acids and protein in root tissues during simulated waterlogging (hypoxia) of the root system, while polysaccharides showed a transient increase. Much of the increase in amino acids was due to alanine which also increased dramatically in the xylem sap. Endogenous nitrate of the roots showed a gradual decrease and could account for most of the increase in amino acids and protein of the roots. It is concluded that nitrate was the main source of N for alanine formation and amino acids in general, while phloem transport of carbohydrates appeared to be the source of carbon for the observed increases in sugars, amino acids and protein. On return to normoxia after 5 days under hypoxia, all parameters measured returned to pre-hypoxic levels.
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dc.relationPhysiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
dc.titleMetabolic Changes In Soybean Plants In Response To Waterlogging In The Presence Of Nitrate
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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