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Oxypetalum Banksii Subsp. Banksii: A Taxon Of Asclepiadaceae With An Extragynoecial Compitum
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Plant Systematics And Evolution. , v. 233, n. 3-4, p. 199 - 206, 2002.
Vieira M.F.
Shepherd G.J.
The floral morphology of seven Oxypetalum species and, in particular, the spatial relationship between the five stigmatic chambers and two separate ovaries of their flowers with respect to transmission of the pollen tube are studied. In all species, except O. banksii subsp. banksii, floral morphology is similar to that in other Asclepiadeae, and the flowers pollinated with one pollinium develop only one follicle, which means compitum absence. In O. banksii subsp. banksii flowers, the secretory interstaminal tissue lines the inner walls of the stigmatic chambers as in the other species studied, but it also reaches the upper part of the inner surface of the filament tube, where it surrounds the styles, an unprecedented feature for Asclepiadaceae. This tissue secretes nectar and mucilage; the latter acts as transmitting medium for the growth of pollen tubes from pollinia inserted and hydrated in stigmatic chambers ("hyperstigmas"). Mucilage also functions as an extragynoecial compitum: in flowers pollinated with one pollinium both carpels develop into a follicle. 233 3-4 199 206 Baker, H.G., Baker, I., Floral nectar sugar constitutents in relation to pollinator type (1983) Handbook of Experimental Pollination Biology, pp. 117-141. , Jones C. E., Little R. J. (eds.). Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc., New York Bookman, S.S., The floral morphology of Asclepias speciosa (Asclepiadaceae) in relation to pollination and a clarification in terminology for the genus (1981) Amer. J. Bot., 68, pp. 675-679 Carr, S.G.M., Carr, D.J., The functional significance of syncarpy (1961) Phytomorphology, 11, pp. 249-256 Christ, P., Schnepf, E., The nectaries of Cynanchum vincetoxicum (Asclepiadaceae) (1985) Israel J. Bot., 34, pp. 79-90 Cronquist, A., (1988) The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants, , Allen Press, Lawrence Endress, M.E., Bruyns, P.V., A revised classification of the Apocynaceae s.l. (2000) Bot. 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