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Interaction Design And Redundancy Strategy In Critical Systems
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Iciso 2010 - Proceedings Of The 12th International Conference On Informatics And Semiotics In Organisations, Ifip Wg8.1 Working Conference. , v. , n. , p. 165 - 172, 2010.
Guimaraes M.S.
Baranauskas M.C.C.
Martins E.
Hardware and software systems have grown to support the work on critical areas that used to be managed mostly by human beings. Concepts and challenges regarding critical systems have long been discussed by several authors, although communication-based aspects have not been explicitly considered. In this paper, we propose a procedure for designing interaction in critical systems under the communication perspective; the procedure results in a user interface wireframe as outcome. Semiotics is used as theoretical and methodological background in the proposed design procedure. The Scientific Satellite Payload Operation Support System (SAPOP) is used to illustrate the potentiality this perspective brings to safety-critical systems.
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