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Population Biology And Wing Color Variation In Heliconius Erato Phyllis (nymphalidae)
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Journal Of The Lepidopterists' Society. , v. 53, n. 1, p. 11 - 21, 1999.
Ramos R.R.
Freitas A.V.L.
Twenty-six months of mark-recapture study of three populations of Heliconius erato phyllis in SE Brazil showed these populations to be relatively stable through time. The adults showed high longevity, similar to that of other tropical Heliconius. Sex ratio was male biased and males showed longer residence times than females. The number of red raylets on the ventral hindwing showed seasonal variation, considered to be numeric polyphenism. Of all the species of Heliconius, H. erato is proposed to be the most tolerant of variation in habitat, larval and adult resources ("ecological plasticity"). These traits are proposed as reasons for the wide distribution of this species in tropical America. 53 1 11 21 Araujo, A.M., Estudos genéticos e ecológicos em Heliconius erato (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) (1980) Actas IV Congr. Latinoam. 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