dc.creatorLucena A.
dc.creatorMaculan N.
dc.creatorSimonetti L.
dc.identifierComputational Management Science. , v. 7, n. 3, p. 289 - 311, 2010.
dc.descriptionGiven a graph G = (V, E), the maximum leaf spanning tree problem (MLSTP) is to find a spanning tree of G with as many leaves as possible. The problem is easy to solve when G is complete. However, for the general case, when the graph is sparse, it is proven to be NP-hard. In this paper, two reformulations are proposed for the problem. The first one is a reinforced directed graph version of a formulation found in the literature. The second recasts the problem as a Steiner arborescence problem over an associated directed graph. Branch-and-Cut algorithms are implemented for these two reformulations. Additionally, we also implemented an improved version of a MLSTP Branch-and-Bound algorithm, suggested in the literature. All of these algorithms benefit from pre-processing tests and a heuristic suggested in this paper. Computational comparisons between the three algorithms indicate that the one associated with the first reformulation is the overall best. It was shown to be faster than the other two algorithms and is capable of solving much larger MLSTP instances than previously attempted in the literature. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
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dc.relationComputational Management Science
dc.titleReformulations And Solution Algorithms For The Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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