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On The Cauchy Problem For A Boussinesq-type System
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Advances In Differential Equations. , v. 4, n. 4, p. 457 - 492, 1999.
Pava J.A.
The Cauchy problem for the following Boussinesq system, is considered. It is showed that this problem is locally well-posed in Hs(ℝ) × Hs-1(ℝ) for any s > 3/2. The proof involves parabolic regularization and techniques of Bona-Smith. It is also determined that the special solitary-wave solutions of this system are orbitally stable for the entire range of the wave speed. Combining these facts we can extend globally the local solution for data sufficiently close to the solitary wave. 4 4 457 492 Abdelouhad, L., Bona, J.L., Fellam, M., Saut, J.C., Non-local models for nonlinear dispersives waves (1989) Phys.D., 40, pp. 360-392 Albert, J.P., Positivity properties, and stability solitary-wave solutions of model equations for long waves (1992) Comm. 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