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True-amplitude Single-stack Redatuming
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Journal Of Applied Geophysics. Elsevier, v. 105, n. , p. 95 - 111, 2014.
Pila M.F.
Schleicher J.
Novais A.
Coimbra T.A.
Based on the chaining of diffraction-stack migration and isochron-stack demigration, we derive a general true-amplitude Kirchhoff-type single-stack operator for 3D and 2.5D redatuming. It consists of performing a single weighted stack along adequately chosen stacking surfaces or lines. The corresponding traveltimes and weight functions can be calculated using quantities obtained from dynamic ray tracing. The operator simplifies when specified for zero-offset data. For simple types of media, we derive analytic expressions for the stacking lines and weight functions and demonstrate their functionality with numerical examples. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. 105
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