dc.creatorMenezes C.B.A.
dc.creatorBonugli-Santos R.C.
dc.creatorMiqueletto P.B.
dc.creatorPassarini M.R.Z.
dc.creatorSilva C.H.D.
dc.creatorJusto M.R.
dc.creatorLeal R.R.
dc.creatorFantinatti-Garboggini F.
dc.creatorOliveira V.M.
dc.creatorBerlinck R.G.S.
dc.creatorSette L.D.
dc.identifierMicrobiological Research. , v. 165, n. 6, p. 466 - 482, 2010.
dc.descriptionLittle is known about the microbial diversity associated with marine macroorganisms, despite the vital role microorganisms may play in marine ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to investigate the diversity of bacteria and fungi isolated from eight marine invertebrate and one algae samples. Data derived from ARDRA and sequencing analyses allowed the identification of marine-derived microorganisms isolated from those samples. Microbial strains identified up to the genus level revealed 144 distinct ribotypes out of 256 fungal strains and 158 distinct ribotypes out of 181 bacterial strains. Filamentous fungi were distributed among 24 different genera belonging to Ascomycota, Zygomycota and Basidiomycota, some of which had never been reported in the literature as marine invertebrate-inhabiting fungi (Pestalotiopsis, Xylaria, Botrysphaeria and Cunnninghamella). Bacterial isolates were affiliated to 41 different genera, being Bacillus, Ruegeria, Micrococcus, Pseudovibrio and Staphylococcus the most abundant ones. Results revealed an unexpected high microbial diversity associated to the macroorganisms which have been collected and suggested the selection of certain microbial taxonomic groups according to the host. The combined data gathered from this investigation contribute to broaden the knowledge of microbial diversity associated to marine macroorganisms, including as a promising source for the discovery of new natural products. © 2009 Elsevier GmbH.
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dc.relationMicrobiological Research
dc.titleMicrobial Diversity Associated With Algae, Ascidians And Sponges From The North Coast Of São Paulo State, Brazil
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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