dc.creatorAlexander J.
dc.creatorBaines J.
dc.creatorBolger M.
dc.creatorDuxbury J.M.
dc.creatorLarsen J.C.
dc.creatorMeyland I.
dc.creatorRao M.V.
dc.creatorRenwick A.G.
dc.creatorResnik S.
dc.creatorSchlatter J.
dc.creatorShephard G.S.
dc.creatorToledo M.C.F.
dc.creatorWalker R.
dc.identifierWorld Health Organization - Technical Report Series. , v. , n. 959, p. 1 - 105, 2010.
dc.description[No abstract available]
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dc.descriptionPollmann, D.S., Deoxynivalenol-contaminated wheat in swine diets (1985) Journal of Animal Science, 60, pp. 239-247
dc.descriptionToxicology and carcinogenesis studies of furan (CAS No. 110-00-9) in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) (1993) NTP Technical Report Series, No. 402, pp. 1-286. , National Toxicology Program. Research Triangle Park, NC, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Toxicology Program, NIH Publication No. 93-2857
dc.descriptionMoser, G.J., Furan-induced dose-response relationships for liver cytotoxicity, cell proliferation and tumorigenicity (furan-induced liver tumorigenicity) (2009) Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 61, pp. 101-111
dc.descriptionToxicology and carcinogenesis studies of mercuric chloride (CAS No. 7487-94-7) in F344 rats and B3C3F1 mice (gavage studies) (1993) NTP Technical Report Series, No. 408, , National Toxicology Program. Research Triangle Park, NC, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Toxicology Program
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dc.relationWorld Health Organization - Technical Report Series
dc.titleWorld Health Organization - Technical Report Series: Introduction
dc.typeActas de congresos

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