dc.creatorCornea O.
dc.creatorDe Rezende K.A.
dc.creatorDa Silveira M.R.
dc.identifierErgodic Theory And Dynamical Systems. , v. 30, n. 4, p. 1009 - 1054, 2010.
dc.descriptionIn this paper, we analyse the dynamics encoded in the spectral sequence (Er,dr) associated with certain Conley theory connection maps in the presence of an action type filtration. More specifically, we present an algorithm for finding a chain complex C and its differential; the method uses a connection matrix to provide a system that spans Er in terms of the original basis of C and to identify all of the differentials d rp:ErpErpr. In exploring the dynamical implications of a non-zero differential, we prove the existence of a path that joins the singularities generating Ep and Epr in the case where a direct connection by a flow line does not exist. This path is made up of juxtaposed orbits of the flow and of the reverse flow, and proves to be important in some applications. © 2009 Cambridge University Press.
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dc.relationErgodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
dc.titleSpectral Sequences In Conleys Theory
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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