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Performance Of The Elderly In The Cerad Cognitive Battery: Relations With Socio-demographic Variables And Perceived Health [desempenho De Idosos Na Bateria Cognitiva Cerad: Relações Com Variáveis Sociodemográficas E Saúde Percebida]
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Psicologia: Reflexao E Critica. , v. 23, n. 1, p. 102 - 109, 2010.
Ribeiro P.C.C.
Oliveira B.H.D.
Cupertino A.P.F.B.
Neri A.L.
Yassuda M.S.
CERAD cognitive battery and its relation with socio-demographic variables and perceived health. The sample was composed by 158 community-dwelling elderly people who participated in the PENSA study (Study of Healthy Aging Process). Ages varied from 60 to 99 years old (M =70.2; SD =8.2); with an average of seven years of education (SD =4). Higher cognitive performance was associated with higher education, lower age, and having a partner. In the naming test, men outperformed women whereas higher memory performance was associated with better perceived health among women. It was concluded that education, age, gender, marital status and perceived health may be associated to variability in cognitive performance among elderly people. 23 1 102 109 Abraham, W.C., Memory maintenance. The changing nature of neural mechanisms (2006) Association for Psychological Science, 15, pp. 5-8 Abreu, V.P.S., Tamai, S.A.B., Reabilitação cognitiva (2006) Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia, pp. 882-890. , E. 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