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Innovations In Package Systems For Heat Processed Food [inovações Sobre Sistemas De Embalagens Para Alimentos Processados Termicamente]
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Boletim Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De Alimentos. , v. 28, n. 2, p. 255 - 270, 2010.
Tribst A.A.L.
Faria J.A.F.
This literature review aimed to evaluate the different package systems available to heat processed food and how they may affect the kind of process used and the final quality of the products. Were approached the main heat processes and their requirements concerning thermal and mechanical resistance of the package, as well as the advantages and limitations of the main used materials. It were also described the recent developments in order to minimize the restrictions of each type of material, improving its resistance and reducing costs, beyond barrier proprieties required to prevent undesirable physical-chemical changes in food during its storage caused by humidity, oxidation and material migration from package. It was concluded that there are many package options to heat treated food and that while traditional packages are being studied for weight reduction in order to be competitive, flexible or plastic packages are being formulated to be compatible to heat processing at low cost. 28 2 255 270 Anjos, C.A.R., Embalagens de poli(etileno tereftalato) PET para bebidas alcoólicas - uma realidade (2006) Revista Engarrafador Moderno, 142, pp. 26-34 Ansari, M.D.I.A., Datta, A.K., An overview of sterilization methods for packaging materials used in aseptic packaging systems (2003) Food and Bioproducts Processing, 81 (1), pp. 57-65 Avery, S.M., Hudson, J.A., Phillips, D.M., Use of response surface models to predict bacterial growth from time/temperature histories (1996) Food Control, 7 (3), pp. 121-128 Ávila, I.M.L.B., Silva, C.L.M., Methodologies to optimize thermal processing conditions: An overview (1999) Processing Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment, , OLIVEIRA, F.A.R. 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