dc.creatorMartins F.M.
dc.creatorKinoshita L.S.
dc.creatorCastro M.M.
dc.identifierRevista Brasileira De Botanica. , v. 33, n. 3, p. 489 - 500, 2010.
dc.descriptionThe present work describes the origin, structure and position of the colleters on vegetative and floral apices of Temnadenia violacea (Vell.) Miers and confirms the presence of mucilage in the secretion produced by those structures. The number of foliar colleters ranges from 9 to 11 per primordium and from 18 to 22 per node; only one has an axilar origin, while the others originate along the margins. Concerning position, five of them are petiolar and the others are interpetiolar. There are two types of foliar colleters: standard and sessile, and they consist of a main body composed of a central core of elongated parenchyma cells surrounded by a secretory palisade epidermis and a thin cuticle. Tector trichomes and vascular tissue occur only on the distal marginal colleters. On the floral apices, the calycine colleters are formed at the base of the calyx, three of them opposite the sepals. All of the calycine colleters have a central core of elongated parenchyma cells, a secretory palisade epidermis, a thin cuticle, and are sessile. The calycine colleters are not vascularized and the laticifers are narrow. Mucilage was detected in the secretion of both foliar and calycine colleters.
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dc.relationRevista Brasileira de Botanica
dc.titleFoliar And Calycine Colleters Of Temnadenia Violacea (apocynaceae, Apocynoideae): Structure And Distribution [coléteres Foliares E Calicinais De Temnadenia Violacea (apocynaceae, Apocynoideae): Estrutura E Distribuição]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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