dc.creatorBittencourt L.F.
dc.creatorMadeira E.R.M.
dc.creatorDa Fonseca N.L.S.
dc.identifierGlobecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. , v. , n. , p. 1623 - 1628, 2012.
dc.descriptionThe so-called hybrid cloud is the composition of an infrastructure that comprises private resources as well as public resources leased from public clouds. Hybrid clouds can be utilized for the execution of applications composed of dependent jobs, usually modeled as workflows. In this scenario, a scheduler must distribute the components of the workflow onto available resources considering the communication demands and the available bandwidth in network links. However, such information can be imprecise, and consequently decisions on resource allocation can be ineffective. In this paper, we evaluate scheduling algorithms in the face of imprecise information on the availability of communication channels. Results showed that schedules are negatively affected by the unforeseen variations in bandwidth during the execution of the application. © 2012 IEEE.
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dc.relationGLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
dc.titleImpact Of Communication Uncertainties On Workflow Scheduling In Hybrid Clouds
dc.typeActas de congresos

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