dc.creatorTanaka M.O.
dc.creatorDe Magalhaes C.A.
dc.identifierVeliger. , v. 42, n. 3, p. 267 - 274, 1999.
dc.descriptionShell morphological characters of Brachidontes darwinianus and B. solisianus were investigated in mussels collected in six areas of sympatry in southeast Brazil. Individuals were measured and analyzed for the relation among shell length, height, and width, as well as other systematic characters used to distinguish the two species. All allometric relations varied according to the site sampled, except the height : length ratio, which consistently separated the two species regardless of where they occurred. Values for this ratio change in distinct shell length classes, and 99% confidence intervals are provided for each length class. Internal and external shell characteristics generally used to separate these species varied both during ontogeny and according to environment. Thus, caution is needed when identifying these species, as single characters may not be useful as taxonomic predictors. Combinations of characters are necessary to separate B. darwinianus and B. solisianus with more confidence.
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dc.titleMorphometric Species Recognition In Brachidontes Darwinianus And Brachidontes Solisianus (bivalvia: Mytilidae)
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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