dc.creatorSilva S.
dc.creatorPachon E.G.P.
dc.creatorFranco M.A.R.
dc.creatorHayashi J.G.
dc.creatorMalcata F.X.
dc.creatorFrazao O.
dc.creatorJorge P.
dc.creatorCordeiro C.M.B.
dc.identifierApplied Optics. Optical Society Of American (osa), v. 51, n. 16, p. 3236 - 3242, 2012.
dc.descriptionThe proposed sensing device relies on the self-imaging effect that occurs in a pure silica multimode fiber (coreless MMF) section of a single-mode-multimode-single-mode (SMS)-based fiber structure. The influence of the coreless-MMF diameter on the external refractive index (RI) variation permitted the sensing head with the lowest MMF diameter (i.e., 55 7mu;m) to exhibit the maximum sensitivity (2800 nm/RIU). This approach also implied an ultrahigh sensitivity of this fiber device to temperature variations in the liquid RI of 1.43: a maximum sensitivity of-1880 pm/°C was indeed attained. Therefore, the results produced were over 100-fold those of the typical value of approximately 13 pm/°C achieved in air using a similar device. Numerical analysis of an evanescent wave absorption sensor was performed, in order to extend the range of liquids with a detectable RI to above 1.43. The suggested model is an SMS fiber device where a polymer coating, with an RI as low as 1.3, is deposited over the coreless MMF; numerical results are presented pertaining to several polymer thicknesses in terms of external RI variation. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
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dc.publisherOptical Society of American (OSA)
dc.relationApplied Optics
dc.titleUltrahigh-sensitivity Temperature Fiber Sensor Based On Multimode Interference
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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