Artículos de revistas
Co2 Production Of Soil Microbiota In The Presence Of Ametryne And Biofertilizer
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Water, Air, And Soil Pollution. Kluwer Academic Publishers, v. 225, n. 12, p. - , 2015.
Rego A.P.J.
Reganhan-Coneglian C.M.
Montagnolli R.N.
Bidoia E.D.
Ametryne is an herbicide applied to sugar cane cultures to prevent the emergence of weeds. It is a persistent compound that percolates ground and surface water thus impacting aquatic communities. In this study, we evaluated microbial activity in soil with increased concentrations of ametryne solution and commercial Microgeo biofertilizer. The soil subject to analysis was obtained from a sugar cane cultivation area. The concentration used in the experiment was ametryne 12 μg/L and 1 % of biofertilizer. It was used with the Bartha and Pramer respirometric method to quantify CO2 production and determine microbial activity. Complimentary phytotoxicity tests with Lactuca sativa seeds after respirometry experiments were conducted in the soluble fraction of the soil. According to the results, the addition of biofertilizer promoted microbial activity in the presence of ametryne and reduced ametryne phytotoxicity for Lactuca sativa seeds. Thus, Microgeo biofertilizer can potentially improve biodegradation of ametryne through both bioaugmentation and bioestimulation. 225 12
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