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Diaspore Bank Of Bryophytes In Tropical Rain Forests: The Importance Of Breeding System, Phylum And Microhabitat
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Oecologia. , v. 168, n. 2, p. 321 - 333, 2012.
Maciel-Silva A.S.
Valio I.F.M.
Rydin H.
Diaspore banks are crucial for the maintenance and resilience of plant communities, but diaspore banks of bryophytes remain poorly known, especially from tropical ecosystems. This is the first study to focus on the role of diaspore banks of bryophytes in tropical rain forests. Our aim was to test whether microhabitat (substrate type) and species traits (breeding system, phylum) are important in explaining the diaspore bank composition. Using samples cultivated in the laboratory, we assessed the number of species and shoots emerging from bark, decaying wood and soil from two sites of the Atlantic rain forest (montane and sea level) in Brazil by comparing the contribution of species by phylum (mosses, liverworts) and breeding system (monoicous, dioicous). More species emerged from bark (68) and decaying wood (55) than from soil (22). Similar numbers of species were found at both sites. Mosses were more numerous in terms of number of species and shoots, and monoicous species dominated over dioicous species. Substrate pH had only weak effects on shoot emergence. Species commonly producing sporophytes and gemmae had a high contribution to the diaspore banks. These superficial diaspore banks represented the extant vegetation rather well, but held more monoicous species (probably short-lived species) compared to dioicous ones. We propose that diaspore bank dynamics are driven by species traits and microhabitat characteristics, and that short-term diaspore banks of bryophytes in tropical rain forests contribute to fast (re)establishment of species after disturbances and during succession, particularly dioicous mosses investing in asexual reproduction and monoicous mosses investing in sexual reproduction. © 2011 Springer-Verlag. 168 2 321 333 Allen, B.H., Magill, R.E., In support of a distinct terminology for bryophyte sexuality (1987) Taxon, 36, pp. 57-58 Alves, L.F., Vieira, S.A., Scaranello, M.A., Camargo, P.B., Santos, F.A.M., Joly, C.A., Martinelli, L.A., Forest structure and live aboveground variation along an elevational gradient of tropical Atlantic moist forest (Brazil) (2010) For Ecol Manag, 30, pp. 679-691 Bisang, I., The diaspore bank of hornworts (Anthocerotae, Bryophyta) and its role in the maintenance of populations in cultivated fields (1995) Cryptogam Helv, 18, pp. 107-116 Bisang, I., Piippo, S., Hedenäs, L., Bryophyte diaspore bank in three Malaysian mountain rainforests (2003) J Bryol, 25, pp. 68-70 Cleavitt, N., Stress tolerance of rare and common moss species in relation to their occupied environments and asexual dispersal potential (2002) J Ecol, 90, pp. 785-795 Cleavitt, N., Patterns, hypothesis and processes in the biology of rare bryophytes (2005) Bryologist, 108, pp. 554-566 Cornelissen, H.C., Gradstein, S.R., On the occurrence of bryophytes and macrolichens in different lowland rain forest types at Mabura Hill, Guyana (1990) Trop Bryol, 3, pp. 29-35 Costa, D.P., Epiphytic bryophyte diversity in primary and secondary lowland rainforests in south eastern Brazil (1999) Bryologist, 102, pp. 320-326 Costa, D.P., Briófitas (2009) Plantas Da Floresta Atlântica, pp. 13-17. , J. 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