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Assessing Relative Age And Age Structure In Natural Populations Of Bolomys Lasiurus (rodentia: Sigmodontinae) In Northeastern Brazil
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Journal Of Mammalogy. , v. 79, n. 4, p. 1170 - 1183, 1998.
De Oliveira J.A.
Strauss R.E.
Dos Reis S.F.
Wear-induced changes in the crown topography of molariform teeth have been widely used to index relative age in rodents. To assess the consistency of molar-wear estimates in natural populations of a sigmodont rodent (Bolomys lasiurus), we investigated the association between molar wear and two other age-dependent craniodental characters: degree of exposure of molar roots from the alveoli and ossification of the basisphenoid-basioccipital suture. We compared magnitudes of Spearman correlation coefficients among states of these characters in samples cross-classified by vegetation, season, and locality, under the null hypothesis of high correlation in the absence of differential environmental effects on molar wear. A bootstrap procedure was used to derive empirical sampling distributions of the age-index correlations and, thus, to establish realistic confidence intervals. We then employed a multivariate procedure to reduce subjectivity of classifying combinations of indices of age into age classes. Using a principal component analysis of the correlation matrix of craniodental indices, variation expressed among indices was summarized as a multivariate age factor. An objective ordering of sets of indices of age (the various combinations of tooth-wear, molar-root exposure, and suture-ossification conditions observed among all samples) was provided by projecting individuals onto the first principal component. The method revealed age-frequency differences between wet- and dry-season samples from northeastern Brazil, ostensibly due to the occurrence of a reproductive peak at the beginning of the rainy season, and predicted a maximum life span for B. lasiurus of ca. 1-1.5 years in the wild. 79 4 1170 1183 Almeida, C.R., Almeida, A.M., Brasil, D.P., Observations sur le comportement de fouissement de Zygodontomys lasiurus pixuna Moojen, 1943 (1981) Mammalia, 45, pp. 415-421. , Reproduction au laboratoire (Rongeurs, Cricétidés) Child, D., (1990) The Essentials of Factor Analysis. 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