dc.creatorLima G.F.
dc.creatorOhara M.O.
dc.creatorClausen D.N.
dc.creatorNascimento D.R.
dc.creatorRibeiro E.S.
dc.creatorSegatelli M.G.
dc.creatorBezerra M.A.
dc.creatorTarley C.R.T.
dc.identifierMicrochimica Acta. , v. 178, n. 1-2, p. 61 - 70, 2012.
dc.descriptionWe describe the analytical performance of a hybrid material composed of SiO 2, Al 2O 3 and TiO 2. It was prepared by a sol-gel process and can act as an adsorbent in the continuous-flow enrichment of copper. A minicolumn was packed with the material, copper ions are adsorbed at pH 9. 13, then eluted with 1. 0 mol L -1 nitric acid, and determined by FAAS. The material was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron and energy dispersive spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, and specific surface area analysis. No significant interference was observed for most ions in up to copper/interferent ratios of 1:100 and of 1:500 in case of Ca(II), Ba(II), and Mg(II). The breakthrough capacity is 1. 4 mg g -1 under dynamic conditions. The limits of detection and of quantification are 0. 50 and 1. 4 μg L -1, respectively, and the calibration plot is linear in the range from 5. 0 to 245. 0 μg L -1 (r = 0. 999). The relative standard deviation is 3. 20 (for n = 7 and at a Cu(II) concentration of 10 μg L -1). The method was applied to the determination of trace copper ions in water, vegetable and alcohol fuel samples. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
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dc.relationMicrochimica Acta
dc.titleFlow Injection On-line Minicolumn Preconcentration And Determination Of Trace Copper Ions Using An Alumina/titanium Oxide Grafted Silica Matrix And Faas
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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