dc.creatorDo Val J.B.R.
dc.creatorGeromel J.C.
dc.creatorCosta O.L.V.
dc.identifierIeee Transactions On Automatic Control. , v. 43, n. 12, p. 1727 - 1733, 1998.
dc.descriptionThis paper deals with recursive methods for solving coupled Riccati equations arising in the linear quadratic control for Markovian jump linear systems. Two algorithms, based on solving uncoupled Riccati equations at each iteration, are presented. The standard method for this problem relies on finite stage approximations with receding horizon, whereas the methods presented here are based on sequences of stopping times to define the terminal time of the approximating control problems. The methods can be ordered in terms of rate of convergence. Comparisons with other methods in the current literature are also presented.
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dc.relationIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
dc.titleUncoupled Riccati Iterations For The Linear Quadratic Control Problem Of Discrete-time Markov Jump Linear Systems
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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