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Beyond Hummingbird-flowers: The Other Side Of Ornithophily In The Neotropics [muito Além Das Flores Para Beija-flores: O Outro Lado Da Ornitofilia Nos Neotrópicos]
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Oecologia Australis. , v. 14, n. 1, p. 67 - 99, 2010.
Rocca M.A.
Sazima M.
Bird pollination in the Neotropical region is by far known as an important interaction to ecosystem function, but perching birds visiting flowers are still very often observed as merely opportunist visitors. Although these other birds do not rely only on floral resources, there are many plant species that do depend solely on them for pollination. These flowers display some features, including morphology and different kinds of resources, quite different from the ornithophilous flowers pollinated by hummingbirds. We review the syndrome of ornithophily in the Neotropical region and tear it apart into the two exploitation methods to determine the floral features that might favor pollination by hovering birds or by perching birds. We listed the Neotropical perching bird species mentioned in the literature as pollinators to take a look at that avian richness. 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