dc.creatorVialta A.
dc.creatorCatani C.F.
dc.creatorJunior R.B.
dc.creatorAzevedo J.L.
dc.identifierBrazilian Journal Of Genetics. , v. 20, n. 2, p. 165 - 170, 1997.
dc.descriptionC-10 strain of the fungus Acremonium chrysogenum produced about 1.5 g/l of cephalosporin C, a yield that was much lower than expected according to the literature. This discrepancy, confirmed by exhaustive tests, showed that C-10 strain lost its high cephalosporin C production ability, probably due to genetic events. Strain improvement, based on isolation of morphologically compact mutant colonies, confirmed that this is a useful procedure for isolation of strains with increased titer. About 2% of tested colonies produced significantly more cephalosporin C than the original strain.
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dc.relationBrazilian Journal of Genetics
dc.titleCephalosporin C Production And Genetic Improvement Of The Fungus Acremonium Chrysogenum Based On Morphological Mutant Isolation
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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