dc.creatorHernandes Jr. L.J.
dc.creatorDuarte L.C.
dc.creatorMorais F.O.
dc.creatorFerreira E.C.
dc.creatorSiqueira Dias J.A.
dc.identifierWseas Transactions On Power Systems. , v. 7, n. 2, p. 80 - 89, 2012.
dc.descriptionThis work describes the development of a non-invasive and low-cost process that allows for the improvement of the energy theft inspection routine, increasing the field inspection team productivity and reducing the customer's embarrassment in cases where no irregularity is found. This new process is based on the development of an electronic Ah meter device that can be installed on the customer's pole input connections to the power lines. Using the recorded Ah value in the device, it is possible to estimate, within a margin of error, the energy consumption of the customer during a small period, typically one week. This energy value is compared to the customer's regular energy meter reading for the same period. A comprehensive statistical study performed with a database of more than 80000 customers in distribution area of the utility company AES Eletropaulo in São Paulo, Brazil concludes that the comparison between these readings can clearly indicate when tampered or defective meters are found.
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dc.relationWSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
dc.titleOptimizing The Inspection Routine For The Detection Of Electrical Energy Theft In Aes Eletropaulo In São Paulo, Brazil
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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