dc.creatorMelo A.M.
dc.creatorGobbi A.L.
dc.creatorPiazzetta M.H.O.
dc.creatorDa Silva A.M.P.A.
dc.identifierAdvances In Optical Technologies. , v. , n. , p. - , 2012.
dc.descriptionTerahertz frequencies experiments has motivated the development of new sources, detectors and optical components. Here we will present a review of THz bandpass filters ranging from 0.4 to 10THz. We also demonstrate our fabrication process, simulations and experimental results. © 2012 Arline M. Melo et al.
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dc.relationAdvances in Optical Technologies
dc.titleCross-shaped Terahertz Metal Mesh Filters: Historical Review And Results
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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