dc.creatorAbe Y.
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dc.creatorDos Anjos J.C.
dc.creatorBergevin M.
dc.creatorBernstein A.
dc.creatorBezerra T.J.C.
dc.creatorBezrukhov L.
dc.creatorBlucher E.
dc.creatorBowden N.S.
dc.creatorBuck C.
dc.creatorBusenitz J.
dc.creatorCabrera A.
dc.creatorCaden E.
dc.creatorCamilleri L.
dc.creatorCarr R.
dc.creatorCerrada M.
dc.creatorChang P.-J.
dc.creatorChimenti P.
dc.creatorClassen T.
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dc.creatorDurand V.
dc.creatorEbert J.
dc.creatorEfremenko Y.
dc.creatorElnimr M.
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dc.creatorVon Feilitzsch F.
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dc.creatorFuruta H.
dc.creatorGama R.
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dc.creatorGiot L.
dc.creatorGoger-Neff M.
dc.creatorGonzalez L.F.G.
dc.creatorGoodman M.C.
dc.creatorGoon J.T.
dc.creatorGreiner D.
dc.creatorHaag N.
dc.creatorHabib S.
dc.creatorHagner C.
dc.creatorHara T.
dc.creatorHartmann F.X.
dc.creatorHaser J.
dc.creatorHatzikoutelis A.
dc.creatorHayakawa T.
dc.creatorHofmann M.
dc.creatorHorton-Smith G.A.
dc.creatorIshitsuka M.
dc.creatorJochum J.
dc.creatorJollet C.
dc.creatorJones C.L.
dc.creatorKaether F.
dc.creatorKalousis L.N.
dc.creatorKamyshkov Y.
dc.creatorKaplan D.M.
dc.creatorKatori T.
dc.creatorKawasaki T.
dc.creatorKeefer G.
dc.creatorKemp E.
dc.creatorDe Kerret H.
dc.creatorKonno T.
dc.creatorKryn D.
dc.creatorKuze M.
dc.creatorLachenmaier T.
dc.creatorLane C.E.
dc.creatorLasserre T.
dc.creatorLetourneau A.
dc.creatorLhuillier D.
dc.creatorLima H.P.
dc.creatorLindner M.
dc.creatorLopez-Castano J.M.
dc.creatorLosecco J.M.
dc.creatorLubsandorzhiev B.K.
dc.creatorLucht S.
dc.creatorMcKee D.
dc.creatorMaeda J.
dc.creatorMaesano C.N.
dc.creatorMariani C.
dc.creatorMaricic J.
dc.creatorMartino J.
dc.creatorMatsubara T.
dc.creatorMention G.
dc.creatorMeregaglia A.
dc.creatorMeyer M.
dc.creatorMiletic T.
dc.creatorMilincic R.
dc.creatorMiyata H.
dc.creatorMueller T.A.
dc.creatorNagasaka Y.
dc.creatorNakajima K.
dc.creatorNovella P.
dc.creatorObolensky M.
dc.creatorOberauer L.
dc.creatorOnillon A.
dc.creatorOsborn A.
dc.creatorOstrovskiy I.
dc.creatorPalomares C.
dc.creatorPepe I.M.
dc.creatorPerasso S.
dc.creatorPerrin P.
dc.creatorPfahler P.
dc.creatorPorta A.
dc.creatorPotzel W.
dc.creatorPronost G.
dc.creatorReichenbacher J.
dc.creatorReinhold B.
dc.creatorRemoto A.
dc.creatorRohling M.
dc.creatorRoncin R.
dc.creatorRoth S.
dc.creatorRybolt B.
dc.creatorSakamoto Y.
dc.creatorSantorelli R.
dc.creatorSato F.
dc.creatorSchonert S.
dc.creatorSchoppmann S.
dc.creatorSchwetz T.
dc.creatorShaevitz M.H.
dc.creatorShrestha D.
dc.creatorSida J.-L.
dc.creatorSinev V.
dc.creatorSkorokhvatov M.
dc.creatorSmith E.
dc.creatorSpitz J.
dc.creatorStahl A.
dc.creatorStancu I.
dc.creatorStokes L.F.F.
dc.creatorStrait M.
dc.creatorStuken A.
dc.creatorSuekane F.
dc.creatorSukhotin S.
dc.creatorSumiyoshi T.
dc.creatorSun Y.
dc.creatorTerao K.
dc.creatorTonazzo A.
dc.creatorToups M.
dc.creatorTrinh Thi H.H.
dc.creatorValdiviesso G.
dc.creatorVeyssiere C.
dc.creatorWagner S.
dc.creatorWatanabe H.
dc.creatorWhite B.
dc.creatorWiebusch C.
dc.creatorWinslow L.
dc.creatorWorcester M.
dc.creatorWurm M.
dc.creatorYanovitch E.
dc.creatorYermia F.
dc.creatorZimmer V.
dc.identifierPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation And Cosmology. , v. 86, n. 11, p. - , 2012.
dc.descriptionWe present a search for Lorentz violation with 8249 candidate electron antineutrino events taken by the Double Chooz experiment in 227.9 live days of running. This analysis, featuring a search for a sidereal time dependence of the events, is the first test of Lorentz invariance using a reactor-based antineutrino source. No sidereal variation is present in the data and the disappearance results are consistent with sidereal time independent oscillations. Under the Standard-Model Extension, we set the first limits on 14 Lorentz violating coefficients associated with transitions between electron and tau flavor, and set two competitive limits associated with transitions between electron and muon flavor. © 2012 American Physical Society.
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dc.relationPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
dc.titleFirst Test Of Lorentz Violation With A Reactor-based Antineutrino Experiment
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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